Ntsinzi, My Sweet Child

The other day, your dad and I were reminded that we indeed got the son we prayed for. You refused to wear sneakers to the daycare and insisted you wanted to go in your crocs. Your dad got impatient and gave you an ultimatum: change shoes or get back in the house. You chose to get back in the house, sulking but determined not to change your mind. Daddy left you then called me sounding rather annoyed and confused as to why you would hold your ground unwaveringly, from the height of your 2years! I convinced him to come back since you would change into crocs when you got to the daycare anyway. When I told you he was coming back for you, you asked me if he wouldn’t try to make you change shoes once more. I couldn’t believe that you were still holding your ground…and honestly that made me proud.

When we learned we were expecting a son, your father and I prayed for you. We prayed for the obvious stuff but we also prayed for you to be brave and non-conforming (we just didn’t expect you to be non-conforming so young and towards your parents). In fact, we called you Noé after the man who built an ark in the middle of a city because God told him to do so. He was brave enough to be obedient, despite probably looking like a mad-man to his neighbors. He did not conform with the normal practices of the time, and that is why God chose to redeem humanity through him. That is the level of crazy brave and non-conforming we want you to be.

(Intermission from Daddy)

Lorsqu’on s’est finalement convenu sur ton autre nom qui est Ntsinzi, c’était à un mois et quelque jours avant ta naissance. Tu faisais déjà preuve de victoire, ceci est bien sûr une histoire pour une autre fois, ta mère et moi voulions que tu continues à être victorieux dans ta vie et surtout face au monde et à la faiblesse de la nature humaine. Je suis toujours impressionné par ta combativité lorsque tu tombes malade; est-ce un signe de l’exaucement de nos prières? Nous ne pourrions l’affirmer mais cela reste une requête qui nous tient à cœur.

Tu rends notre vie plus intéressante chaque jour et tu ne cesses de nous surprendre. Nous apprenons à mieux te connaître, à être patient tout en espérant que tu le seras envers nous aussi.

(Back to Mommy)

You have been your own person from the very beginning. All we can tell is that you got your stubbornness from both of us, but the rest is just you. You surprise us often, in fact we never know whether you will prefer to go to aunty Aeevaa’s room or crawl into our bed and cuddle with us. We are so in awe of the person that you are, of the willingness to take a stand for what you want, and we pray that you learn to make the right decisions early in your life journey.

For the first time on this journey, I was starting to feel like we’re getting into a really nice groove. We have settled into our little routine and I was finally at the stage of motherhood I always imagined. Soon we’re starting a new chapter, one with you as a big brother and we as parents of two boys. We are quite anxious to  see how this will go. We know you’re gentle with kids younger than you. But we also know you’re very fond of mommy and don’t like to share her attention. Your baby brother will surely require lots of attention in the beginning, but your needs will never be lost on your father and I.

In a couple of years, your baby brother will become your best friend, and I pray the two of you carry that bond throughout your life. Regardless of whatever life brings our way, I want to reassure you that you will always be mommy’s baby; my introduction to motherhood, my first encounter with selfless love, my greatest gift. You will always be mommy’s first.

6 thoughts on “Ntsinzi, My Sweet Child

  1. Quelle fine plume. Beaucoup de fierté de vous lire Gaëlle. De la part d’un ancien de Don Bosco 😉

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